Mothers & Children Christmas Program
“ And you shall call his name ‘Jesus’,
for he will save his people
from their sins.”– Matthew 1:21
On December 8th, Disciples of the Way held its new Christmas program to bless immigrant and refugee mothers and their children. DOW wanted to tell the story of Jesus’ birth to these new mothers in a powerful and emotional way.
Our mission focus is to seek to build strong relationships with refugee families so that we can witness through Christ-centered relationships. These relationships allow us as Christians to demonstrate Christ’s love and witness; not only with our mouths, but also through our actions and our lives.
The Mothers and Children in these pictures have been part of our programs and have developed strong relationships with the DOW/RSC staff and are currently being encouraged in faith through devotions, home visits, and prayer. Our hope is that, through continuing witness, many will be baptized into the family of God.
Please pray for our ongoing efforts to bring Christ’s love and free salvation to these families.
“For the wages of sin is death,
but the free gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
– Romans 6:23