Refugee Care Center (RCC)
Given the complexities of modern life in America and the various systems involved, 3 months is nowhere near enough time to fully orient a refugee, or refugee family, to a US lifestyle. RCC is an Extended Case Management center, supplementing DFW’s various Resettlement Agencies (World Relief, International Rescue Committee, and Catholic Charities).
Our compassionate staff know the struggles of adjusting to the American way of life. They can address the problems in our refugee neighbors’ lives with grace in a
language they understand. Our refugee neighbors are drawn to DOW’s services because they feel known and cared for by the RCC staff that can communicate with them in English, Arabic, Kurdish, and Bosnian.
The Refugee Care Center goes “above and beyond” assimilation assistance and continues to stay in touch and reach out to its neighbors to refer them to additional programs within Disciples of the Way Ministries such as English classes, Citizenship classes, Special Events and Fellowship, and Arabic Bible Studies.
Refugees and Immigrants are often confused and scared by the American Medical system. They don’t know how to read their discharge papers or bills. They might not be able to talk to their doctor’s office for refills or appointments. They might not know how to give their insurance information. Disciples of the Way helps our neighbors with all these difficulties and prays with them.
Food stamps are a State Benefit under the official name SNAP. We apply for or renew these State benefits.
Assistance connection
Disciples of the Way seeks to connect immigrants and refugees with services that are provided by other organizations. These include Pogo (low-cost electricity), AT&T low-income internet, applications for “Obama phones” (old refurbished cellphones for low income families), Financial Aid Applications, and Social Security applications. We also connect RCC Neighbors with other DOW programs and classes.
Employment Assistance
Disciples of the Way applies for jobs through web searches and professional connections. Some people or positions require a resume.
One of the most necessary forms of assistance is translation help communicating with service providers, medical staff, etc. Language learning is a long and difficult process and there can be many barriers to language acquisition. DOW is committed to removing as many of these barriers as possible by offering daytime and evening English classes for free. DOW’s RCC staff occasionally go with our neighbors to translate for them.
The RCC does not help with or file green card or citizenship applications due to legal restrictions. However, RCC staff do help our neighbors with translation communication with USCIS and procedural assistance with travel loans. Refugees often cannot afford the price of the airplane ticket to come to the US and take out a travel loan to come to this land of opportunity. They start their lives in America in debt and work to pay off their loan first.
DOW helps people communicate to their apartment complexes, apply for low-Income housing, and Section 8 housing grants.
In Home Assistance
Occasionally during a Home Visit, a problem comes to light that need to be addressed immediately.
According to the nature of the problem, DOW choses to help our neighbors or refer them to other organizations. After we have built relationships with people, they may come to DOW with personal problems like canceling a gym membership, applying for a travel loan, or booking a flight. They might need a ride to a doctor’s appointment or a special visit to address a problem in their home. DOW’s RCC Staff help with these problems too because this ministry is all about personal relationships and sharing the love of God through service and witness. Other problems DOW refuses to be involved in and refers neighbors with legal or immigration problems to other organizations for assistance.