Disciples of the Way Ministries (DOW) exists to Reach, Teach, Live and Work among those from all nations, to raise up spiritual leaders from among them, and establish Christ-centered communities. Our programs and classes are outreach avenues for genuine friendships. We hope these friendships with each other will build trust so that we may earn the freedom to talk about the Love of God. So that our earthly friendships will become everlasting relationships in Jesus Christ. Disciples of the Way follows God-given opportunities to give a reason for the hope that we have and shine the Light of Jesus Christ into the lives of those we serve.
Many of DOW’s programs were created out of necessity. We saw a need in our neighborhood for services and skills that improve our neighbors’ physical situations. Compassion and service lead to relationships which become discipleship opportunities. You are invited to “Come & See” what the Lord is doing among the Dallas refugee community. (Psalm 46:8)
Disciples of the Way is always adding more students to our Sewing program, ESL and Citizenship class, and Online ESL classes via Zoom.
We share God’s Word because it is for all (Phil. 2:6).
We build relationships and are ready to speak the hope that is within us (1 Pet. 3:15).
We answer questions and use every opportunity to share what we have seen and heard (1 Jn. 1:3). Once we were in darkness, but now we are a people of light (1 Pet. 2:9).
We shine for Christ, the Light of the World (John 1:9). “….I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”