Recent News

Pastor celebrated with Our Redeemer LC, Longview

BeKinder Coffee has moved into the same building as DOW and employed several refugees. BeKinder employees a DOW SSOF sewer part-time.

DOW’s summer sewing intern celebrated her time with roses for her mentors.

Lunch with a returning DOW family.

Refugee Care Center

DOW’s Refugee Care Center focuses on job placement and job readiness training so that our refugee neighbors can become self-supporting. The RCC also provides help with applications for medical assistance, food stamps, and registration for other social services. The RCC mission is extended case management which supplements DFW’s various Resettlement Agencies.

Given the complexities of modern life in America and the various systems involved, 3 months is nowhere near enough time to fully orient a refugee, or refugee family, to a US lifestyle.  RCC is an Extended Case Management center, supplementing DFW’s various Resettlement Agencies (World Relief, International Rescue Committee, and Catholic Charities).

Our compassionate staff know the struggles of adjusting to the American way of life. They can address the problems in our refugee neighbors’ lives with grace in a
language they understand. Our refugee neighbors are drawn to DOW’s services because they feel known and cared for by the RCC staff that can communicate with them in English, Arabic, Kurdish, Burmese, and Bosnian.

Refugee Care Center
  • Employment Assistance

    RCC staff help our neighbors apply for jobs and build resumes.

  • US Lifestyle Assistance

    DOW helps our neighbors adjust to, adapt, and adopt American culture and understand our American system.

  • Assistance connection

    RCC staff help families sign-up for programs which can set them on the path to self-sufficiency.

  • Interpretation

    Language learning is a long process. DOW is committed to offering English classes for free. DOW also helps families with critical communication needs. 

  • Immigration

    The RCC does not file green card or citizenship applications due to legal restrictions. However, RCC staff do help our neighbors with translation communication with USCIS. 

  • Housing

    RCC staff help our neighbors apply for low-income housing and find housing in emergency cases. RCC does not resettle refugees when they first come into the country.

  • Medical

    Many refugees need assistance navigating the American Healthcare system, making appointments, calling in refill prescriptions, and communicating with doctors.

Thanks to your faithful prayers, partnership, and generous support,
Disciples of the Way is a self-sustaining, non-profit, LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) organization.
We humbly share with you that we no longer receive support from the LCMS Texas District.
We have released district funding in order for that support to go to other ministries.
Thrivent Choice
For example: Designated Donations of Stocks,
Bonds, Securities, Personal Property, Appreciated Real Estate, Paid- Up Insurance Policies, Charitable Trusts.
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We recognize circumstances can change.
Your commitment is only an indication of your intention to give as you are able. Thank you.