Hope for the Nations
RSC Staff helps an Egyptian man with employment applications.
Our refugee neighbors come in broken and depressed, with a variety of problems and concerns. We build relationships to serve both their physical and spiritual needs with the hope that through us, these neighbors might have a relationship with Jesus Christ and live in the hope of eternal life; coming from a world of darkness into marvelous light.
“[I am sending you] to open their eyes,
so that they may turn from darkness to light
and from the power of Satan to God,
that they may receive forgiveness of sins
and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.”
– Acts 26:18
The RSC’s focus on holistic care through relationships provides DOW with a unique opportunity for Christian Outreach. Home visits follow the office visits and provide the opportunity to get to know our refugee neighbors better. Our missionaries listen to these neighbors’ concerns in their own homes and pray with them. We reach out so that these refugees will find refuge in Christ and be given faith to know that He is their place of comfort and eternal hope.
RSC Staff make home visits to refugee neighbors that have come to the RSC for help.
God has given DOW people to minister to with the love of God:
- We pray that these people will come in as strangers but leave as friends.
- We pray for opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through these foundational relationships.
- We pray for the peace that passes understanding to dwell in the hearts of our Refugee Neighbors and lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus as Lord.
We encourage you to pray over these people with us
for the Glory of God!